Apple talked to Nissan about Apple Car, report says - MrLiambi's blog


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Monday 15 February 2021

Apple talked to Nissan about Apple Car, report says

Apple talked to Nissan about Apple Car, report says

Add Nissan to the list of automakers Apple has reportedly approached to discuss a joint effort on building an autonomous, electric vehicle.

According to the Financial Times, the talks happened "in recent months," and they didn't go very far; the two companies apparently disagreed over branding of the car. The report says Apple wanted the car to be Apple-branded, and the Japanese automaker wasn't happy with the idea of essentially becoming a hardware supplier for Apple. 

The Financial Times says the talks are no longer active, and Nissan confirmed this to Reuters in a statement. 

'We are not in talks with Apple. However, Nissan is always open to exploring collaborations and partnerships to accelerate industry transformation,' a Nissan spokeswoman told Reuters.  Read more...

More about Apple, Nissan, Tech, and Transportation

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