California's net neutrality law is a reality. Here's what it means. #rwanda #RwOT ##LaIslaDeLasTentaciones7 - MrLiambi's blog


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Thursday 25 February 2021

California's net neutrality law is a reality. Here's what it means. #rwanda #RwOT ##LaIslaDeLasTentaciones7

California's net neutrality law is a reality. Here's what it means.

Did you know California has its very own net neutrality law?

It does! And, following a recent verdict in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California, this law protecting internet users can finally be enforced, years after it was first signed. 

Imagine a system where your internet service provider charged you more just to access Netflix (on top of your Netflix subscription!) because they cut a deal with Hulu or Disney+? This prevents that and other unfair tactics from the telecommunications companies.

Net neutrality is, once again, the law of the least in California. Read more...

More about California, Net Neutrality, Tech, Politics, and Big Tech Companies

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