What actually caused the disastrous avalanche in India - MrLiambi's blog


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Wednesday 10 February 2021

What actually caused the disastrous avalanche in India

What actually caused the disastrous avalanche in India

The video footage is violent and unsettling. 

On Sunday, a torrent of ice, water, mud, and debris surged through a steep river valley in the northern Indian state of Uttarakhand. At least 32 people are dead, with nearly 200 missing. 

The tragic event happened in a warming Himalayan region where glaciers are rapidly melting and retreating. Yet glacier experts say the flood likely wasn't triggered by the collapse of or "burst" from (not a thing) a glacier itself, though the heating climate may have played a role in the greater episode. Earth scientists will learn more in the days and weeks ahead, but satellite evidence points to a high-elevation landslide causing an avalanche of rock, glacier ice, and snow. Read more...

More about India, Science, and Climate Environment

Source : http://feeds.mashable.com/~r/Mashable/~3/xBSmhW21glU/

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