Wikipedia wants to charge Google, Amazon, and Apple for using its content - MrLiambi's blog


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Tuesday 16 March 2021

Wikipedia wants to charge Google, Amazon, and Apple for using its content

Wikipedia wants to charge Google, Amazon, and Apple for using its content

Everybody uses Wikipedia. 

It's currently the 8th most visited website in the U.S. and the 13th most trafficked site in the world. The website bills itself as the 'free encyclopedia,' providing knowledge free of charge to a global user base. However, the nonprofit which runs Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, hopes that it soon won't be free for everybody.

Don't worry, it'll still likely be free for you, dear Mashable reader. But for companies like Google, Facebook, Apple, and Amazon, Wikipedia is hoping to charge them for publishing its content.

A new report by Wired looks into a brand new division under the Wikimedia umbrella called Wikimedia Enterprise. In a first for the nonprofit Wikimedia Foundation, Wikimedia Enterprise will offer a paid service targeting Wikipedia's biggest users: Big Tech companies. Read more...

More about Google, Wikipedia, Wikimedia, Tech, and Silicon Valley

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